Sunday 28 February 2010

Crime Reduction Charity - chooses A.A. Security for protection of its property!

Nacro a charity whose main aim is to reduce crime have selected A.A. Security for the protection of one of their buildings. The contract which started in February is one of the first large contracts that we have secured this year.

Nacro are a large established group and from their website I include their main aims:

"Nacro reduces crime by changing lives. We work with young people at risk of getting caught up in crime and with offenders to help them participate positively in society.

Our vision is of a safer, more inclusive society. To achieve that, we want to see comprehensive preventive and resettlement services available across England and Wales. Helping people access basic services, such as housing and education, and providing opportunities for rehabilitation offer them the best possible chance of turning their lives around.

Our services tackle the social causes of crime and deal with offenders and ex-offenders in ways that are most likely to prevent or stop antisocial behaviour and offending. We encourage people to take responsibility for their own lives and aim to involve those using our services in their development.

We draw on our expertise and experience to campaign for change. We lobby for a more integrated, joined-up approach to reducing offending, and to persuade policy makers that changing lives really is the most effective way to tackle crime."

The contract is a permanent contract and we hope to challenge for the protection of more of their premises portfolio over the next few years.

This contract is a partnership between a crime prevention charity and a crime prevention partner!

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