Here is an image of our Managing Director Wilson Chowdhry's recent visit to both the Home Office and 10 Downing Street where he was presented with a Community Crimefighter certificate signed by the PM Gordon Brown, Home Secretary Alan Johnson, and Director General of the Crime and Justice Department Louise Casey. The 3 of them also arranged a splendid event at both the Home Office and 10 Downing Street and this was Wilson's second visit as he had previously met with the Prime Minister when he was honoured to be invited to a Business Hero reception at 10 Downing Street in September 2009 for his fortitude in Business and growth in a time of recession.
Wilson stated:
"Winning a Community Crime Fighter award was a thrilling experience. My community work has always been a primary function and one that I am both committed to and proud of.
As a Director I have always espoused a strong social function for my business much of which is exemplified in our accreditation to the SIA ACS standard and in particular attainment of a score of +92 in their most recent assessment.
Our high score easily places us in the top 10% of performers within the security firms, that have achieved this sought after ACS certificate. Moreover, we are aware that the proven social and environmental practices we employ have contributed significantly towards this vaunted position. We strive to improve and I am pleased that I have been personally recognised as a Community Crimefighter.
Besides, what else could highlight A.A. Security's strong emphasis for providing elite security services then recognition that a Dircetor of our firm (which is now regarded as one of the extended policing family)- has received an award for fighting crime by the Prime Minister, Home Secretary and the Director General of the Crime and Justice Department...?